Jeff Flake, Committee Chair, Arizona, 202-224-4521, 602-840-1891, 520-575-8633
Bob Corker, Tennessee, 202-224-3344, 901-683-1910, 615-279-8125, 865-637-4180, 731-664-2294, 423-753-2263, 423-756-2757
John Barasso, Wyoming, 202-224-6441, 307-672-6456, 307-362-5012, 307-856-6642, 307-772-2451, 307-261-6413
The three senators listed above are Republican members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who are up for re-election in 2018, the next election cycle for Congress. The phone numbers are for their Washington and regional offices.
If you live in one of these states, you can apply the kind of pressure that counts to make your voice and opinions matter. Simply call at least one of the phone numbers for your Senator, and leave the message that you’re a constituent, you’re paying attention, you will vote in 2018, and your vote will be determined by how your Senator stands on the issues that matter to you.
Do it every time there’s a critical issue before the Foreign Relations Committee, like today.
January 11, 2017 — The Committee is holding hearings on the nomination of Rex Tillerson to be Trump’s Secretary of State. Let your senator know how you feel about turning America’s top diplomatic job over to a man to whom Vladimir Putin personally awarded the highest civilian honor Russia gives to non-citizens, a man who stands to benefit financially by lifting sanctions imposed on Russia after its annexation of Crimea and invasion of Ukraine, sanctions he personally lobbied against, a man who financed climate change denialism even while being warned by his own scientists about the global warming catastrophe to which his corporation was contributing, under whose leadership Exxon profited from illegal deals with designated terrorist nations, just to name a few of his conflicts and betrayals of America’s interests. Let your senator know that you’ll be voting in 2018, and you’ll be working to defeat him if he supports Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State.